NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
I am Chiara Scocco, I am 25 years old and I was born in Civitanova Marche, a beautiful city in front of the sea. After my high school diploma, I wondered what my path was to follow. Always passionate about the world of art and the world of architecture, I wondered if this was really my way, so I started a course. After a year, I realized that this was actually a great channel from which to take inspiration and strength, a source from which to draw to express myself in the world of fashion, which has always determined my life.
Therefore, I started my journey by moving to Milan, the fashion hub, and attending NABA University. During these three years, I had the chance to experiment, to know myself and evaluate myself. After the first two years in which I created a womenswear collection, and a women's footwear and bags collection, in the third year I realized that my affinity is really with the world of menswear, in which I can really express myself. I have always felt personally, a great strength in this world. Probably because of a childhood, I lived by looking at a father in that classic work uniform, jacket and tie, every day, so perfect, so precise, that moved something in me. A static and traditional nature that has moved my inspiration and has conditioned my passion.
Therefore, for my graduation project I created a menswear collection where I could recognize myself. Starting from a common theme, migration, I evaluated it as a continuous movement of nomads, and taking inspiration from my everyday life, I came back to the metropolitan world. Here hundreds of people make this journey every day, several times a day. On the metro, you can find all sorts of identities, but all are there for a common purpose: to move. Locked in a box they make this journey, pile up to each other. The Tokyo subway is the one that carries the most people for year, about 3.1 billion people. A photographer Michael Wolf took pictures of the "almost dead of Tokyo metropolitan", people who can barely breathe, crushed by the doors of the train, is the protagonist of this work called Tokyo Compression. A heavy accumulation that recalls the works of artists from Noveau Realism such as Arman and Cesar, characterized by a set of objects enclosed in a container or simply piled together, like those people in the subways. My work starts here using the classic men's suit as the iconic garment.
This collection is a form of denunciation, through art. A complaint against overpopulation, the conditions in which these people travel, and all the problems arising from it, from health to situations of violence.
Fashion is a means of talking, with which to express a thought, a problem, a feeling, with which to tell a story, and all this takes place thanks to the help of art, society, or any other daily medium that can being an instrument and inspiration.