Spain / ON STAGE


LCI Felicidad Duce





My name is Borja Romea Aladrén, I am 24 years old I am from Zaragoza, España.

Currently, I am living in Barcelona where I studied 5 GCSES and the Fashion BA.

Since I was little I have been sure that fashion was the path that I wanted to follow and also, where I wanted to work in the future. Fashion has always been a tool that has allowed me to express, discover, enjoy, experiment and feel free.

Costumbrism has a very special importance in my imaginary, focusing in Spanish culture. Looking through the past as a good way to understand present times and improving the future, recovering and reinterpreting past generations inheritances, where processes were actually slower.

Using folkloric music like jotas, flamenco and rancheras as a way to expand my mind. Lyrics help me to create imaginary scenarios where I can find elements that allow me  to create and reinterpret in a very personal way what they are trying to say.

I enjoy the creation and investigation process. That´s where any form of expression´s magic resides. For me collage and moulage become really important to understand and visualize garments and silhouettes.

ALVDA: The graduate collection, presents the comparison between a child and an adult through the lyrics of an Aragonese jota (traditional song of Aragon) "A la voluntad del aire";  allowing to observe the process of personal maturity through this song. By the words "tendiendo" and "aire" of the lyrics of the song, the child imagined a woman hanging clothes on a balcony in a delicate and unique way. How can we hang clothes on people? How can we hang garments from other garments? How are laundries going to change depending on where or when they are hung?